Secure Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether exchange without verification

We offer instant transactions for buying and selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and other cryptocurrencies around the world using your favorite payment methods and quick transfers. Fast, easy and secure with a proven and reliable currency exchange platform since 2011.
With WalutoBox you can buy bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies anonymously, without verification.

  • Purchase up to 460 EUR with SMS payment confirmation
  • Purchase from 460 EUR to 2300 EUR with a one-time identity verification, KYC data is assigned to your email address and you don't have to go through the verification process again

We warn against scammers trying to extort funds in cryptocurrencies, e.g. in the verification process during recruitment for work.

Secure Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether exchange without verification

We offer instant transactions for buying and selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and other cryptocurrencies worldwide using your favorite payment methods and quick transfers. Fast, easy and secure with a proven and reliable currency exchange platform since 2011.
With WalutoBox you can buy bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies anonymously, without verification.

  • Purchase up to 460 EUR with SMS payment confirmation
  • Purchase from 460 EUR to 2300 EUR with a one-time identity verification, KYC data is assigned to your email address and you don't have to go through the verification process again

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Why WalutoBox?



Determine how much funds you want to exchange, thanks to a special tool that will accurately convert EUR or USD to cryptocurrencies, and then make an online transfer. We support most means of payment, and payment transactions are encrypted through SSL. The security of transactions is comparable to bank operations!



Unlike other cryptocurrency exchanges, using WalutoBox does not require an account or user verification. This means that we value your privacy and your data is not at risk.
We operate in a fully legal manner, immediately adapting our security procedures to changes in Polish law.



We offer very attractive and competitive cryptocurrency exchange rates that are updated in real time. Our liquidity and experience in cryptocurrency trading is constantly improving.
With the largest trading volume, we offer the best rates.
Buy and sell bitcoin 24 hours/365 days a year.



Exchanging cryptocurrencies on traditional exchanges and trading platforms is complicated and requires users to have specialized knowledge, skills and involves the need to create an account, preceded by a tedious and lengthy process of user verification which requires sending identity documents. WalutoBox was created to make buying and selling cryptocurrencies around the globe as simple as possible. We have reduced this process to the necessary minimum. We provide the most convenient solution on the market. Enjoy attractive prices while we take care of the rest.

We allow you to trade cryptocurrencies that are not just a record in a database, but immediately after purchase they are transferred straight into your actual wallet belonging to YOU alone. We do not store your funds. This way you have full control over your cryptocurrencies and can feel safe. All this prevents us from artificially manipulating the market and its depth and liquidity.

How it works?


Select the amount of bitcoin you want to buy for EUR/USD, then verify your phone number with the code.


Enter your email address and the bitcoin address you want the funds to go to.


Choose the payment method you want to purchase bitcoin with. This can be credit card or a bank transfer.

Metody płatności

Choose the most convenient payment method to complete your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency purchase transaction for PLN. We allow you to purchase Bitcoin in Poland through: Alior Bank, BLIK, Bank Pekao, Cooperative Banks, Bank Nowy BFG S.A., BNP Paribas, Citi Handlowy, ESkok, Getin Bank, iPKO, Idea Bank, Inteligo, Kasa Stefczyka, Millennium Bank, mBank, Noble Bank, Nest Bank, Plus Bank. We are constantly expanding the range of available payment methods.


Purchase up to 460 EUR without any identity verification, you just need to provide your phone number, e-mail and confirm the purchase by entering the SMS code sent by us.

Weryfikacja tożsamości

Purchase from EUR 460 to EUR 2,300 apart from providing your e-mail address and telephone number, also involves identity verification (sending an identity document, i.e. an ID card or passport - but this is a one-time thing and will not be required for any further purchases made to the e-mail address and telephone number provided by you).

Contact us

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using the contact form below.

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